Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist)

My newsletter "Great Britain Specialist Stamps"  not only provides updates to my websites covering all aspects of GB Philately but also provides an archive of articles relating to aspects of Great Britain Postage Stamps and related material.
Subscribe to Great Britain Specialist Stamps

Machin Stamps

Machin Stamps is one of  the "portfolio" of websites owned and operated by Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist). These websites cover all aspects of Great Britain and Commonwealth Philately. Each site having a slightly different emphasis.

Machin Stamps has been created to appeal to the specialist and discerning collector of Machin Stamps.

The emphasis on Machin Stamps will be the listing items of interest to the more specialist collectors of the Machin issues. Gum & paper variations, head & value types, phosphor types, scarcer printings in all formats e.g sheet, booklet..... errors and varieties and more unusual Machin related material will feature. 

Professional Memberships:

I am a full member of the Philatelic Traders Society (PTS). Membership No. 5904

I am a full member of the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association. Membership No. 219


Great Britain Philatelic Society

Modern British Philatelic Circle

The Postal Stationery Society

Machin Collectors Club

Other websites owned and operated by Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist)


My retail site catering for collectors of all aspects of Great Britain Philately seeking those special items to enhance their collections.

Exceptional material from all reigns. Fine Classic material, Scarce Shades, Specialised Single Stamps, Scarce Printings, Missing Colours, Imperforates, Phosphor and Embossing Errors, Colour and Perforation Shifts, Inverted Watermarks, Booklet Errors and Varieties, Constant Varieties, Proofs, Artists Work.......

The interesting and unusual


Elizabethan Stamps has been created to appeal to the specialist and discerning collector of the postage stamps and related material from the reign of Queen Elizabeth II excluding the Machin issues.The emphasis on Elizabethan Stamps will be the listing items of interest to the more specialist collectors of the era (although a large selection of very competitively priced less specialised material will be offered) . To this end scarcer printings in all formats e.g sheet, booklet..... errors and varieties and more unusual stamps related material will feature. The listings are suited to those use the Gibbon's Specialised Volumes 3 & 5 and the Stoneham Great Britain Stamp Catalogue (and for those who are familiar with it the "Woodstock" Catalogue of British Elizabethan Stamps)